Self Expression

I find myself wanting to post more about my feelings these days. I have always been someone who freely unburdened himself, but in the era of the overshare, I find myself strangely mute. I don't want to tell EVERYONE about my life and my problems. The void doesn't care. I do however want to put these facts before anyone who would care, who would extend themselves to me. Beyond my loving wife I find it hard to know who that might be.

Perhaps the writing about feelings is overrated. Maybe I should be writing stories, poems, and more. I think that over time, when we get the chance to vent constantly, we lose the ability to recognize that all our words have clarity and weight, and that they matter as self expression most when they aspire to something more. I have been organizing my library and putting things in their places. Gathering all the poetry books I own, all the drama books, the short stories, and so on. Thinking about language, about expression, about process.

I am a flood of words, the words will come. 


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